Thursday, 18 October 2012

Misuse of Fireworks during the run up of Halloween.

The time has come again when kids and adults alike get ready for the Halloween celebrations from fancy dress, trick or treating and watching firework displays at organised events or home displays.

Fireworks can be fun, and are a part of the Halloween celebrations, though the celebrations can turn to tragedy as a result of serious burns or disfigurement if fireworks are misused.

Unfortunately, a small minority of anti-socials are using fireworks irresponsibly and causing a serious nuisance within the Beechmount community. Youths have been using fireworks as weapons to harass local shops and residents to possibly injure individuals.

We, the newly formed Beechmount Residents Collective, would urge businesses and individuals who sell fireworks to the youth of Beechmount, and beyond, to cease immediately before a child, or any other member of our community, ends up in a critical condition.

If any resident has any information on those who are selling fireworks to young people please don’t hesitate to contact a member of the Beechmount residents collective (B.R.C) or email us on

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Death driver’s back on our streets

On Saturday night (29th of September) in Beechmount avenue death drivers where back on our streets.

The stolen car that was 'joy riding' up and down Beechmount Avenue had narrowly missed numerous houses along the way and a shop front. The vehicle then proceeded to crash into a set of newly erected traffic lights, the vehicle was then set alight and left in the street burnt out.

40 plus youths were gathered in Beechmount Avenue and the surrounding area for over 3 hours before the car came into the community. The youths were drinking alcohol and could be seen and heard by many residents shouting, antagonising, throwing bottles and other projectiles.

Residents of the area have approached the Beechmount Residents Collective and have stressed their concern about the on-going situation in the community. Issues of anti-social behaviour and most recently the case of car crime, something that has been on the rise for the past number of months in the area. After talking to the residents it is clear to see that Saturday was the worst case of anti-social behaviour that the residents have witnessed in some time.

The PSNI were no where to be seen around the area on Saturday night, which appears to be, might I add, quite frequently the case. The PSNI claim to be defending our working class community. Yet this is another clear example that the PSNI are unable and are completely uncommitted to dealing with these issues. Many of these anti-social elements (hoods) are known to the PSNI but seem to be immune from prosecution and are allowed to have free reign in the community to continue with their anti-social activities.

The scenes witnessed on Saturday night instilled fear into motorists passing through the area and residents of the area. Also the young children of the area have been left scared and deeply upset. This type of behaviour is completely inappropriate and unwanted in and by the Beechmount community.

The Beechmount Residents Collective (B.R.C) would like to stress that our community needs to come together, self empower and stand against the anti-social elements that wish to decimate our proud community.

Update Thursday 4th of Oct:
The Above statment was sent to the Andersonstown News to highlight the concerns of the people of beechmount, The A.T.N ran with the Story in todays paper...

The link below is the scenes from Saturday night that has been uploaded on youtube, a 20min video of the stolen car:  
(please note this is not to promte the video in any way)